Joint & Spine Problems

Post Fracture & Dislocation

All You Need to Know About Post Fracture and Dislocation 


Injuries are something that no one prepares us for. Neither do we want them to happen to us too. However, when it happens, it does get very debilitating knowing that our lives would be different for the next month or two depending on the severity. But know that there is always hope and light at the end of every tunnel. 


Fractures could happen to anyone at any age in life. It could happen through a big or even a small fall. Sometimes, you may think that a small fall would not do any damage, but truth to be told is that, it would affect anyone at all and especially women that are of 50 years and above who have gone through menopause or populations that are osteoporotic. 


As compared to dislocations, dislocations occurs mostly during a sporting event or accidents. With proper care on site, for example during a sporting event, a physiotherapy that is on standby would be able to provide acute care to reduce the dislocation and place the joint back into the proper position. If in an non-conducive environment, you may be transported to the nearest medical facility to get the joint reduced. 


For dislocation cases, once the joint is being reduced, you may be placed in a cast to ensure that the joint has enough time to heal itself along with some rehabilitation exercises to strengthen the muscles that are surrounding the joint, in order to hold the joint. This is because that during a dislocation, the ligaments are being stretched beyond its normal limits and it is unable to go back to its original rigidity to hold your joints in place. Hence, the joints are heavily reliant on the muscles.Hence, it is true that when you have dislocated the joint before, high chance, you may dislocate it again in the future. 


Both fractures and dislocations can be diagnosed through x-ray imaging and/or physical examination. 



Technically for both conditions, going to a hospital near you would be the wisest choice. As in these cases, proper and immediate treatments should be given right away as some may lead to life threatening conditions. For fractures, your doctor should advice you on whether you would require a surgery or would just require a cast. On the other hand, for dislocation, you may need to be in a cast or a sling for a few weeks to ensure stability of the joint before getting back into physical activities. 


In TAGS, what we are able to help you is through rehabilitation. Rehabilitation is a crucial part of your healing journey and we believe that with the technology that we have, we are able to help you heal. Treatment options ranges from rehabilitation exercises, physiotherapy modalities, laser therapy and dry needling. 


Treatment Cost 

Cost of treatment for post fracture and/or dislocation  at TAGS starts from RM120/session (ala-carte). Of course, the treatment cost would have to be considered in the treatment plan – what treatment is being done, and how many sessions are needed. This depends on the severity of your condition.


How to get treatment for post fracture and dislocation

To help with your condition,  you may start by reaching out to us at:  

Phone : +60 12-217 3788 

Email : 


We understand that this condition can be debilitating and potentially cause you to not able to do what you love. Pain is so common but never normal. Come in and get checked! Our doors are open 7 days a week! 





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