Joint & Spine Problems

Frozen Shoulder


All You Need to Know About Frozen Shoulder  

Finding it difficult to comb your hair or even buckle on your inner garment? Difficult to even put on your clothes or even lifting up your hand? Not being able to sleep at night due to pain? Yes, you might be having something called Frozen Shoulder. In a more specific term, which is Adhesive Capsulitis. 


Did you know that frozen shoulder affects individuals who are 35-65 year old, and in which 70% of the said individuals who present with frozen shoulders are females. Other than that, frozen shoulder condition arise from other shoulder conditions that forces you to be in an idle position and not using your shoulder, hence scar tissue forms. 


Hence, those who has other shoulder problems, has higher chances of developing frozen shoulder. That is why treating your condition is so much more crucial so that you would not develop conditions like frozen shoulder. Many individuals come in with shoulder pain thinking that they have frozen shoulder, but do you know what is Frozen Shoulder? 





Frozen shoulder which is also known as Adhesive Capsulitis is a condition in which there are extensive scar tissue formation around the shoulder capsule. It usually is accompanied by gradually progressive stiffness and significant restricted range of motion in addition with pain. In adhesive capsulitis, there are 4 stages which are, Pre-freezing, Freezing, Frozen and Thawing. 


Usually frozen shoulder does not occur overnight and it definitely needs some time to build up and thereafter causing that much pain. 


Pre-Freezing: This typically happens when you start experiencing soreness and thereafter sharp pain at the end range of motion. 

Freezing: This phase is known as painful stage that you may experience gradual progressive loss of range of motion over the next few weeks to months. 


Frozen: This stage is usually when you feel extreme pain and a significant loss of range of motion.


Thawing: The last stage, which also the stage where you usually won’t feel as pain as in the frozen stage. This stage is where you will experience progressively decreasing pain and stiffness. 


 Usually individuals who experience frozen shoulders may require up to 9 months to regain a functional range of motion. 



Symptoms of a frozen shoulder would include stiffness and loss of range of motion of the shoulder, pain around the shoulder joint, unable to perform daily activities such as raising up your hand or even combing your hair. Other than that, you may experience pain on your shoulder when lying on your side. These are just a few symptoms of frozen shoulder. You should however consult your chiropractor or physiotherapist for a thorough assessment 


Your practitioner may perform a series of special tests to diagnose your condition. For frozen shoulder, it is also important to rule in and out other sinister conditions like tumors or possibly any tears of the ligaments.Through the results of the special tests, your practitioner will then decide if there is a need for any imaging to be done. 


4 Shoulder Exercises Frozen Shoulder



As a general rule of thumb, shoulder conditions are generally more complex and tricky to treat. Hence, for conditions like frozen shoulder, it would be a ‘All hands on deck’ kind of management when it comes to treatment. Chiropractic adjustments, rehabilitative exercises, therapeutic modalities like IFC and ultrasound; shockwave therapy and dry needling has shown its effectiveness in terms of treating frozen shoulder. Given the complexity of the condition, you may require more sessions rather than 1-2 sessions. 


All in all, if you follow through the treatment regimen in terms of exercise compliancy, you should be feeling better within a few treatments. The idea of performing exercises are to introduce movement into the shoulder joint itself and also to improve the range of motion of the shoulder. But remember, no pain does not mean no problem. Always be patient with yourself in your treatment progress as not everyone’s body is different.


If you are struggling with any shoulder concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us to book an appointment to see any of our Chiropractors or Physiotherapist for your first consultation! 


Do not let shoulder pain determine what you can or cannot do in your life! Take control of the condition and live life how you want it to be. 



Cost of treatment for frozen shoulder at TAGS starts from RM138/session (ala-carte). Of course, the treatment cost would have to be considered in the treatment plan – what treatment is being done, and how many sessions are needed. This depends on the severity of your shoulder condition.



To help stop your frozen shoulder pain, you may start by reaching out to us at:  

Phone : +60 12-217 3788 

Email : 


We understand that shoulder pain can be debilitating and potentially cause you to not be able to do what you love. Pain is so common but never normal. Come in and get checked! Our doors are open 7 days a week! 



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